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We offer multiple ways to finance your roofing project based on the type of work being performed. Whether it be a roof repair or a roof replacement, we strive to make your payment process easy. For all projects, we are happy to pick up payment from you, in person, or contactless. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and can process payments in office or on the phone. 

Palm Roofing Corporation

Roof Replacement

For roof replacements (not including flat roofs), we offer two different types of payment procedures: a payment plan and YGRENE. Payment plans follow a five-step payment procedure. We require a deposit at signing of the contract, a payment for start of work, for tin-cap inspection, at time of delivery of materials, and then a final balance payment due upon completion of project.

​For flat roof replacements, we offer YGRENE financing just like sloping roofs. The only difference is that the payment procedure is different. We require a deposit at signing of the contract, and then payment at tin-cap inspection. Then a final balance at the end of the project.

For questions about YGRENE please give us a call at (305) 235-3833 and our office staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Roof Repairs

Payments for repairs are straightforward: projects with a contract price under $900.00 do not require a deposit. All repair projects over the contract price of $900.00 will require a 50% deposit at the signing of the contract.

Palm Roofing Corporation